Oyster mushroom in batter

Consultations on oyster mushroom problems
Written by Larisa Teslenkova
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For this dish, I take thin, small-diameter mushrooms.

Pulmonary oyster mushrooms in batter are especially tasty.

You see it in the photo, it is brown.

Pulmonary oyster mushrooms in batter are especially tasty.
Boiled mushrooms

It has a pronounced forest aroma, the cap is flat. It doesn't have much mushroom tissue, so it quickly becomes soft when fried. I don’t cut off the stem; when frying, it’s convenient to hold it by the stem and turn it over.

If your mushrooms are firm and fleshy, you can beat them lightly with a meat mallet, but not too hard so as not to crush the cap.

How to cook oyster mushrooms in batter

I divide the bunch into individual mushrooms.

I pour boiling water over them and put them on the stove.

When they boil, I immediately turn off the stove and leave them in the water for 5-10 minutes. Then I drain and dry on a sieve, laying out the oyster mushrooms in one layer.

Most recipes add flour to the batter, but I don’t like it.

I beat the egg with the spices recommended for vegetables. I like a mixture that we call “Italian herbs” (dried and chopped basil, oregano, paprika, parsley, garlic), sometimes I just take a mixture of peppers, depending on my mood. It is important that there is very little seasoning and it does not interrupt the light mushroom aroma.

I grate the cheese into the egg on a fine grater. Most often I use Parmesan and grate it until the mixture is thick, like sour cream. I add a little salt, Parmesan is usually salty. Instead of Parmesan, you can use any hard cheese or mozzarella, it will also be delicious.

I dip the oyster mushrooms in the egg-cheese mixture.
oyster mushroom fried in egg with cheeseI put the cap in the frying pan, and with a teaspoon add the egg-cheese batter to the gills of the oyster mushroom (that is, from the top side), the more of it, the tastier.

Sometimes before frying, I dip the mushroom caps in breadcrumbs, after dipping them in the batter. And before turning the fried mushrooms over to the other side, I sprinkle a little ground crackers and a lot of batter on the oyster mushrooms on the side where the gills are.

This is such a gastronomic miracle, it turns golden and has a nice crunch.

Fry for a couple of minutes until golden brown, turn over, another two to three minutes and you're done!


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