Ventilation Guide for Oyster Mushroom Growing Room

Consultations on oyster mushroom problems
Written by Larisa Teslenkova
"My articles and videos contain only my experience and knowledge."
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Ventilation in grow rooms

To create a microclimate, we must make an interconnected system, with a climate chamber, where air flows are mixed, heated and humidified. Ventilation only distributes them evenly throughout the volume of the growing room.

In my instructions you will find all the necessary information for the competent installation of the ventilation system.

For ease of use, the calculations are provided in both metric units and U.S. customary units (feet, pounds, etc.).

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of the Guide
  2. Contents by Chapter
  3. Ready-made tables for small growing rooms (up to 8 tons of substrate)
  4. Calculator for larger rooms (more than 9 tons of substrate)
  5. How to Order the Guide

Overview of the Guide

  • describes the sequence of placement of elements of the climate system.
  • It includes a ventilation diagram to properly organize the airflow in the room.
  • The issue of the optimal distance from the floor at which air ducts should be installed in the oyster mushroom chamber is addressed,
  • There is also an explanation of how the ceiling height affects the arrangement of the blocks. 
  • Photos of the dampers (gate valves) and guidelines for working with them are provided.
  • A photo of the humidification chamber is included.
  • It explains how to calculate the exhaust system in the mushroom chamber and how to select the exhaust fan and gravity dampers.
  • Additionally, instructions are given on how to install a ventilation system for growing mushrooms.

For example, I used a growing chamber measuring 8 by 5 meters (26.25 by 16.4 feet) so that you can clearly see how to calculate the blocks for your room's size.

The calculation was based on blocks with a diameter of 22 cm (8.7 inches) and a weight of 9-11 kg (20-24 lbs). If you are using blocks of a different size, you can also calculate them using this method.

The guide also includes a chapter on how to arrange small blocks weighing up to 3 kg (6.6 lbs) with side and top fruiting.

Along with the manual (Guide) you will receive one of two of your choice:

  1. Ready-made tables for small growing rooms (up to 8 tons of substrate)

These tables contain pre-calculated ventilation parameters, available in both metric and U.S. measurement systems. They are designed for rooms with one air duct or side air ducts.

     2. Calculator for larger rooms (more than 9 tons of substrate)

This Excel calculator allows you to enter your data (number and weight of blocks), and then it automatically calculates the necessary ventilation parameters on the "Results" sheet. The calculator is available in both metric and U.S. versions.

What is the difference between these two options?

In the ready-made tables for small rooms, I calculated all the data myself (based on the calculator). This is very convenient if you have a small growing room - you just look at the row you need in the table and see which fan you need to buy and the sizes (diameters) of all the necessary pipes and air ducts.

If you choose the calculator, you can calculate any amount of substrate. The calculator has a cell where you enter any number of blocks and their weight.

For example, if you have several large rooms, and several small ones.

Below you will find detailed descriptions of the tables and the calculator.

The cost of the guide plus the tables (or calculator - of your choice) is $60 USD.

To place an order, please contact me at: e-mail: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +380503960696

I will send you an invoice, which you can pay online using Visa or MasterCard.

If you have any questions or are ready to place an order, I’ll be happy to assist you with the process.

Contents by Chapter

Chapter 1

 General information about how ventilation works in the   grow room


Chapter 2

 Instructions for the selection of equipment


Chapter 3

 Equipment placement in the ventilation system



 3.1. Ventilation diagram for a room with side air ducts.



 3.2. Possible layouts for one air duct (without side ducts)



 3.3. Guideline for the sequence of equipment placement   in the ventilation system



 3.4. Recommendations for air cooling if the climate is   warm and humid


Chapter 4

 How to make air ducts


Chapter 5

 Explanations for the ventilation calculation table


Chapter 6

 All about block placement


Chapter 7

 Examples of block calculations



 7.1. Instructions for calculating blocks in a room with one   air duct



 7.2. Instructions for calculating blocks for a room with   side air ducts.


Chapter 8

 How to use the calculator to calculate the diameter of the   cups



Ready-made tables for small growing rooms (up to 8 tons of substrate)

These tables are designed for rooms used for growing oyster mushrooms with a substrate load ranging from 1 to 8 tons. The calculations provided include:

The required power of the blower and exhaust fans
The diameters of fresh air and recirculation ducts
The cross-sectional area of pipes, for both square and rectangular metal ducts
The diameter of polyethylene film air ducts and plastic cups
In the figure below, you can see an example of how this table looks

You do not need to know the formulas for calculating ventilation, in the tables you will find ready-made answers.

For ease of use, the calculations are provided in both metric units and U.S. customary units (feet, pounds, etc.).

Upon payment, you will receive tables:

1. for the central air duct with nozzles-cups

The table is applicable for narrow rooms, not more than 6 meters wide.

ventilation for oyster mushroom

2. for central air duct with side film air ducts

The table is compiled in the same way as the previous one, but there is a small calculator for calculating the diameter of the nozzles-cups, depending on the length of the air ducts.

You substitute the total number of cups - the text provides step-by-step instructions on how to count them and what distance should be between the air supply nozzles. And the calculator calculates the required diameter.

Calculator for larger rooms (more than 9 tons of substrate)

The calculator is created in Excel. In this calculator you can calculate any amount of substrate, starting from 1 ton.

Even if you've never worked with Excel, the calculator is very easy to use.

You open the file, enter your data in the green fields on one page, 

and see the results on the next page:


grow room air exchange calculator


The page with results (calculations) is locked to prevent changes.
So, you can view the numbers, but you cannot modify or delete anything, thus preserving the formulas.

I recommend downloading this file and not working directly in it. Copy it under a different name and work with the copy. If you accidentally delete cells on the first page, you can copy the file from the original.

With this ventilation calculator, you can calculate:

- The power of the supply fan,
- The diameter of air ducts and plastic nozzle cups through which air will flow,
- Tin air ducts located in front of the fan.
The calculator includes square dimensions if you're using square tin ducts (those located in front of the fan).
If the duct is rectangular, just take the length of one side that suits your needs.

For example, if the ceiling height is insufficient, one side should be shorter in height, while the other side can be longer.
To find it, divide the cross-sectional area (row 16 in the figure) by this length and you'll get the length of the second side.

You will receive a guide along with the calculator.

How to Order the Guide

The cost of the guide plus the tables or calculator of your choice is $60 USD.
To place an order, feel free to contact me — I'm happy to help!
e-mail: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +380503960696
I will send you an invoice, which you can pay online using Visa or MasterCard.

©  All articles on the site are copyrighted, posting on third-party resources is permitted only with the permission of the author.

Contacts for PAID consultations -

e-mail: [email protected]

WhatsApp: +380503960696 Don't call!

Send me a text message with a brief summary of your question - I will respond as soon as I can.
